Getting the most out of this BLOG…
if you have been following along these past weeks and are wondering how you can get the most out of this BLOG, this understanding and what benefits it can bring to you…here are few suggestions to point you in the right direction.
First, read…listen…notice insights NOT information. What impacts all of us the most isn’t information no matter how fascinating- it’s insight -the realization of something that has always been true, regardless of what we happen to believe or know.
Look for Principles, not strategies…
These principles guide you to deeply understand how life and the mind works. We look for How do I do it? This won’t take you to the power that is waiting to be tapped inside of you.
Be an explorer, not a researcher…
This is the difference between studying for an exam and listening to be impacted, changed, and moved. It is what you see for yourself that matters, not what you can repeat that you heard or read.