True Nature -Unlimited Potential
I met Syd Banks in the late 80’s- the story of how this man came into my life is a miraculous one in its own right – but not the focus of this blog. Syd was an ordinary man – he did not go on a spiritual journey (totally anti-religion) – he did not read or study philosophy- he often joked that he couldn’t spell psychology. He was in fact a welder from Scotland living in British Columbia when he had what most call an enlightenment experience. He realized the truth of human beings and the truth of how we create experience. He was moved by the mental suffering people were enduring, including some of his own – and he dedicated his life to sharing the understanding with the world.
He began to teach and people began showing up on Salt Spring Island to listen – the mystery of it all is one of those amazing stories. Finally he focused on psychologists as the folks he wanted to carry his message. The essence of his message was that there is nothing wrong with anyone – that our mis-understanding of who and what we are was causing the ills we experienced and his simple understanding would show how people could live a life of peace, and joy and unlimited potential.
Syd was living proof of that – he traveled the world teaching professors and prisoners and his books and teachings are even more universal today and have reached Greenland, Africa and many other places. How does a welder from Scotland become the mentor to psychologists and psychiatrists around the world?
That miracle is inside of his teaching. He knew his true nature and he shared it as his wisdom dictated.
This is the first point of what I shared last week. When we are in a period of upheaval – change- uncertainty and in the case of my friend…businesses and workplaces are going into fear as the logical modus operandi- its turning away from the power we have to create, innovate and serve.
Instead of basing decisions and plans on scarcity and lack – we could bet on the unlimited potential in each and every person to uncover the answers and move forward in unprecedented ways. The key isn’t overcoming the circumstances – the key is realizing what is larger and more powerful THAN the circumstances and that begins with individuals realizing what they truly have to work with..
In my early days of learning from Syd – I somehow knew that he had discovered something I had felt for a long time.
Training in mental health modalities did not lend itself to seeing the health already present…it led to looking for what is wrong, naming it and helping people cope in more productive ways. It never fit for me and left me very discouraged that I had just spent years of study, money and time on entering the wrong profession.
When I began employing Syd’s work I saw changes in people that were NOT supposed to happen. I saw circumstances shift without working on the circumstances, and I saw people of all cultures, economics and viewpoints begin to see things in a new way and operate in a new way.
Working on behavior for me, has had short term gains – having realizations and leaning into common sense and wisdom, has provided lasting change and growth.
It is redundant to say the times we are in require something different – the same mindsets that we are living in – are not the mindsets we need for the future. I have often quoted Einstein in this blog and his often used quote of “you can’t change something from the same level of thinking that created it” has been heard by all of you.
I have never had anyone dispute the truth of that statement and yet …here we are …moving the chairs around on the Titanic instead of universally finding the innate power to transform.

Next week – what happens after you discover the power of true nature?