Countless times I have tried to cheer myself up – to elevate my mood and “get over myself”…I have a ton of books, ideas, suggestions, and resources with which to do that – a vast collection I have assembled over the years. I have the emergency 911 section and I have the “ I got up on the wrong side of the bed” section. Many have helped and like a security blanket – and money in the bank- they are there when I need them.
However none of them are as fool-proof as focusing on lifting another …on being the smile that someone needs – the kind word or compliment when someone seems a bit down – the humor when nothing in life seems particularly funny. All my back up techniques are not nearly as effective (yes including the music of Bruce Springsteen) as looking for an opportunity to lift another’s spirits.
Sometimes we try to do this with too much effort – an elaborate scheme from flowers to a singing telegram – sometimes we spend too much time selecting the person or the gesture and find ourselves overwhelmed with the entire process. It’s so much simpler than that…its carrying an energy of -today I will lift someone up – that person will naturally cross my path so I will just watch. Like a magic trick you feel better – suddenly life seems easier and you realize at least for a moment, that focusing on ourselves and our agendas, needs and desires just isn’t that much fun. Handing out joy in the moment suddenly lifts us to great heights and we can see so much better from the balcony.
The biggest challenge is in noticing…taking our mind off of our own “to do’s” or our problem of the moment – literally lifting our eyes and seeing someone in front of us – or someone on the phone with us, and just doing what feels natural and generous. And the amazing thing is we tend to remember the gestures we give more than the ones we get…I remember shopping at Safeway one Christmas season and I was wearing one of those Christmas tree light bulb necklaces that light up and flash. The Deli counter clerk was admiring the spirit of the season that I was wearing…I just impulsively took it off and gave it to her. It was like Christmas morning watching her face light up with unexpected joy at the gift. I have never forgotten what little things can do beyond our knowing…remembering that everyone is carrying something and we can be an instrument to lift without ever knowing the size of the burden.
So be on the look out this week for lifting and notice how quickly and permanently you are lifted. And if all else fails, of course find a cute dog like the one in the photo to pet! I guarantee it!!!!