You Gotta Have Heart

June’s theme will be on the Heart- and by that I don’t mean the physical pump- but the Heart intelligence, the Fourth Chakra or heart energy center. For more than a decade I have been a coach in the HeartMath work -which does incorporate the physical aspects with the spiritual aspects bringing greater coherence to the system and lessening the stress of life. The techniques and the teachings are beautiful, simple to employ and powerful in their results. Thinking of energy centers in the body which is part of the ancient traditions of Yoga, help us understand when we are stuck and how to help ourselves return to the natural state of open heartedness.

This month I will share aspects of the Heart journey – as it has been one of the most helpful areas in which I have focused both study and practice. My clients have found it a place to return to again and again to find a peaceful pause in the challenges of life.

For this week, its about noticing. The research HeartMath has done (see their website) shows the intelligence of the heart has a field of impact greater than the mind. Years ago, when I was teaching the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people; we would ask every class to close their eyes and point to true north for them. Without fail, each and every person would point to their heart center. Sometimes they were surprised -because they imagined it was somewhere in the mind or brain. Often you will hear people talking, and they will ask each other, what does your heart tell you about this situation or that person? When I am lost in my thoughts and trying to figure everything out -come up with a solution or plan; I am frequently lost in the noise. When I pause and drop into my heart, I always sense something new and the answer is revealed. It is not that the answer wasn’t there but that I hadn’t looked in the right area. My Heart is true north – every time.

Notice this week what you heart has to say, check in with your heart on something – you will most likely get a feeling right away and that feeling tone will lead you to whatever you are seeking. Here is one of the simple Heartmath techniques that will help to calm the waves, and begin bringing coherence to your system.

Pause – take a few deep inhalations – breath in using the word Ease….and breath out using the word Ease. Repeat.

Watch what happens – I would love a report.