The Power of Prayer
I know, I know – I am already out on a skinny limb. As per usual, I will emphasize that this is not about a religious preference – this is not about a belief system- this is about a power available to those who have a belief and those who are anti-belief or have none at all.
So lets begin with a definition…what I mean by prayer is communicating with that which is greater than our personal selves. A few years ago, I had a friend in the hospital undergoing some testing etc. I asked her if she wanted prayer…she replied that she had no objection – she thought of it as “sending her good thoughts”…works for me. Julia Cameron has just released a book entitled Seeking Wisdom…where she brings her writing talent (think The Artist’s Way) to the subject of prayer. She cites a friend who calls that greater- praying to the sunspots. In recovery, it is referred to as the higher power. It really doesn’t matter what you call it me…I often think of it as my sweet dogs.
Over these last weeks, I have been in conversations with folks about the state of the world through the lens of what is happening in Ukraine and Russia. The helplessness people articulated and the frustration that we seem in a never-ending cycle of crisis management was high on their minds. Frequently the question came as what to do…or why is this happening and so forth. And I found myself out on that skinny limb again – suggesting communicating with the greater. Interestingly enough that was followed by a question of ….but How?? Formal prayers didn’t seem to fit, childhood prayers were also not fulfilling…begging God or someone didn’t satisfy.
There are many forms of prayer – and in communicating with the Divine, you really can’t go wrong. But here are a few suggestions..take what you like discard the rest.
Begin with a sincerity of heart – bring in the quality of genuineness
Focus on the heart area and bring in the feeling of gratitude…in the example above of world events, we can be grateful for the people who are helping – for the responses of compassion all around the world pouring out in diverse ways. Or for our lives, our breath, our eyes, our gifts.
Speak your own words that identify this greater presence…in other words …the God of your own understanding…call it out.
Know that you can contact and connect and be with that presence
Know what can be true for you and others…not asking for what is true but knowing what is true for everyone everywhere
Give thanks for that and let go.
I called this blog the Power of Prayer so a word about that…first off the Power I experience is freeing myself from worry or concern – I have reached out with a knowingness. Next the Power shows up for me as synchronicities …watch for them…conversations…experiences…billboards…opportunities – they are all connected to the Power of speaking to the Great Spirit. Next notice miracles – I heard my first Robin this morning…and I consider that stellar song a miracle…the promise of the changeless.
More on this skinny limb to come…until then, give it a try.