
My favorite Easter card to send this year was the journey of the caterpillar to the butterfly. This has been my personal symbol since I was in my early twenties. My wonderful sister, who transitioned this January, gave me a book called Butterflies are Free. It became my personal mantra for many years and if you have received an email from me, you know it is my signature as well. I sometimes forget the journey the caterpillar goes through to make the transformation into a butterfly. The chrysalis is a kind of death where the form is changing but to the caterpillar it may be just a disorienting and lonely path. What happened to my ability to crawl about he says?

This is Holy Week and Passover – springtime religious celebrations that celebrate new life…life beyond what we can see. I love the reminder that both of these holidays bring…that transformation is part of life…not something exceptional or unusual…but rather the design. Every life is in some stage of this movement – and exercising Trust that life is in fact, supporting us each step of the way. That friendly universe that my favorite, Albert, knew was a key decision of each life.

Whatever you celebrate this week – remember that possibilities are infinite – they were for the people of Israel long ago – for those who witnessed the life of the Master Teacher known as Jesus, or the lowly caterpillar. Be free and fly!