You Can’t Make an Elephant Purr

….and other reasons to give up resistance…

Its about developing a different operating system – about hooking into a 5G frequency through which blessings can freely flow. It’s a day to celebrate how far you have come – a day to give up resistance.  To resist life is as futile as trying to make an elephant purr.  It only makes you miserable; and the elephant isn’t that happy either.

You can try and try by fixing or focusing on what is wrong-but that is like driving the wrong way down a one-way street.  You CAN turn around.  You CAN move with the flow of the universe.  The easiest way to do this is to take your attention off of everything you think sucks…the Oscars fiasco, the $6 dollar a gallon for gas,  the prices on literally everything.  All those problems that we wish someone, anyone, would fix.  All those issues you have with so-and-so ..or with the job or with your body.

When we step into stream of gratitude, when we start noticing the gazillion things that are going right, those annoying problems have a way of fixing themselves.  They literally dissolve….

Without any input on your part.

So take a moment to breathe from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet – and let go…release and surrender all the resistance to Life and see how much easier everything becomes.  The elephant will be happier as well.  

Thanks to Pam for her inspiration!