The Happiest Man on Earth

My blog is named for the book of the same title by a man named Eddie Jaku.  Eddie lived to be 101 years old and was a Holocaust survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald.  There are many Holocaust stories that have been written over these many years – and movies of great impact such as Schindler’s List.  This book is different- its about a man that chose to be happy in the worst of circumstances.  He chose Love over hate and he chose service over victimization.  He was a young man when first separated from his family (all of whom were lost except one sister).

He felt and writes about the secret to his long and meaningful life – the ability to choose to be happy – to be grateful for the smallest kindness-to not waste time on thoughts of fear and loss.

For many years, I have wondered why some people come through tragedy with a smile (Eddie vowed to smile every day after WWII) and others live in depression and anger.  I have wondered why I can find calmness in the storm on some days and am completely undone by other days.   Of course, we know life is a contact sport so things are going to rock and roll.  We also know we have our human reactions and here is where the secret to Eddie’s joy is revealed.

We are more than those human reactions – we have an infinite capability for hope- greater than any dark moment.   For loving -no matter who is near us or what they are doing with us.  For helping others no matter how weak or troubled we may be.  We are not governed by circumstances after all – but by the gifts and the grace that we each possess.

Eddie was living proof – he never told his story until very late in his life…never told his children or spoke about it other than an occasional speech at the Jewish Museum near where he lived in Australia. Then he realized it was important to share it – not for the survival aspect, but for the sharing that happiness is a decision and helping others with Love is a decision, and he wanted to be sure everyone knew that.  He did a TED talk for over 5,000 attendees in the audience and many more on the replay.

I find myself with a new level of commitment to choosing my capability to be happy = consciously and with joy, thanks to Eddie. I can see the meaning of his experience reaching across time and space to remind a woman in California to smile every day.  I recommend this book and all that it inspires.

Choose today what you will serve…..