Trying is Tiring
Master Yoda is one of my favorite teachers…and among his famous quotes is the one that says “Don’t try, just do”. I saw this character in my early twenties and if I had known what a mantra was then, I would have taken that phrase as my mantra. Later Nike took a form of it and became more famous by marketing “Just do it”…or something of that nature. It took me many years to realize that doing and trying were much closer to each other than I imagined.
Of late, there has been a lot of trying…trying to make the right decision, trying to figure something out, trying to have people do what they said …all effortful and all tiring. There is a flow to doing without doing…it’s a kind of intuitive guidance that has action seem like its being done but without so much effort. Effort pulls for doubt that things will happen with an ease and grace- it obstructs our ability to see the universe as a friendly place…thank you Albie. It can represent the notion that we are in this thing alone and we have to do it ourselves!
These are all places that trying will take you -feeling alone-efforting-forcing-struggling.
Its so much easier when we allow the force that is always with us to provide the intuitive guidance, direction and solutions that flow – that appear to just happen- that contain the syncronicities that life has in store for us –
If you recall the scenes from Star Wars as Master Yoda tries to teach Luke to just allow the force to have its way – Luke is trying…and trying…and trying to make that light saber do what he wants it to do- and when he lets go of trying, the force moves it all along.
The ultimate answer to less trying is to let go – to trust – to know – that the force is everywhere…like the quantum world of the unified field – there is nowhere it is not.
This week – notice when you are trying…relax and breathe – drop your attention to your heart and away from the thinking mind and feel into what shows up.