Behold all things are new

I promised last week that I would continue the miraculous possibilities that flow from gratitude.  
For those of you familiar with the coaching world, you know there is a technique frequently used, called reframing.  It basically means that you choose another way to see something or a new way to think about something.  Ideally it moves from a less positive view to a more positive view.  It’s a useful reminder of the power we have to see things in a new way that is built into our design.  Our highest self sees the amazing gift that all of Life brings.

The miracle part of gratitude is that this happens without effort – without force- without any sense of “I am not doing this right so I need to change it”.  All ofthose ways of reframing add stress and strife to the system.  And often don’t least for more than a minute.

In the miracle moment of bringing gratitude into whatever is happening – the miracle shows up by itself – suddenly there is a realization of wonder –what I call – wow factor.  Wow I never saw that before- wow I never thought of that before – wow there is a gift encased in this challenge or in this experience.

With any so-called loss there is the chance of getting stuck – of focusing on whatever is no longer present and a kind of blindness to the blessing. Whether its losing a job, or an opportunity or a beloved -suddenly what appears to be absent overwhelms .

Then ta da – you provide the magic potion – you pour gratitude over every single thing you can think of from your heart…(don’t try to do from your head-only your beautiful heart will do) you let it flow like Yosemite Falls this Spring – gushing with gratefulness and the reframing begins.  With or without your full permission you may find that you suddenly see things in an entirely new way and that new way brings peace; it brings joy; it brings solace.  I have been witnessing this now for weeks both in myself and others – and so far it has not failed to deliver its hidden promise.

A dear friend, who reads my blog, informed me that there is a teaching in Judaism entitled Olam Chabad…it points to the other world…the world beyond- and it instructs that even in that other world there is still a prayer needed – and that prayer is gratitude.  Thank you Ellen, hope I didn’t butcher the understanding.  I choose to think that one of the reasons it is still needed is because it brings heaven wherever it travels.

Shalom everyone,