Love is All You Need

From the Beatles hit song to the common use of the phrase- we can think of Love in a very trite way.  When I was searching for photos for this blog, there were basically three styles.  Couples, wedding photos, rings, flower etc.- I am going to assume was to depict romantic love.  Then there were many pictures of dogs, cats, even fish – looking at our inter-species love.  Lastly there were baby photos and young children, giving us a taste of familial love.

I know that many people think of love that way -categorically; and they prioritize their love by which category is present.  Lately I have been thinking about love as a state – as something we are and something we live from and less about the form it presents as I believe we can lose the entire essence by focusing on form.  Love is a dimension of life that once we enter in we see that the opportunity is to love everyone we encounter.  Heads up – I am not suggesting buying flowers for everyone or adopting everyone into your family.  When you know Love as a state, that is hardly necessary.  You enter every interaction with a certain sense of sacredness and gratitude that we can stand as the Presence of Love in this life.

For those of you “how to” people, I am sure you are wondering how to do that and even if it is wise.  I am going to make it as simple and as easy as possible; as well as utter a solid truth.  It is a decision.   It isn’t that the right person comes along or that you finally mend a fence with an irritating relative.  You decide every morning when you wake up that you will love every person you interact with.  This might mean a smile, or opening a door, or having lunch with your favorite postal employee (something I did yesterday). When we decide, we direct the energy of the heart to open and remain open even when it is scary or difficult.

Imagine a day when we give and receive Love all day long – imagine a world where this is the order of the day everywhere – then the title of this blog loses its triteness and becomes a call to action. What more could we need as Love will lead, guide and direct all the actions and reactions we could ever need.

Please give it a try – make a decision – an intention and see where it takes you.  For a lighthearted reminder watch this short clip from a movie about Love – Michael -starring Mr. Jon Travolta as an the great archangel.  It’s worth watching if you haven’t seen it and if you have, watch it again- it will make you smile, laugh, cry and Love.