The Power of Hope

As my readers know, Albert Einstein is one of my heroes and teachers.  He famous quote about the only important question to ask yourself is; “ Is the universe a friendly place?” – has been quoted and written about here.  The power of this question is in the answer- if you say yes it is – that you know that every thing that occurs is coming from that place and space of – it has a good and friendly purpose.  That can lead to knowing that before you see the outcome, it is going to be a good one.  So in essence we affirm everything that happens has our growth and best interest in mind.  Might be a tall order for us.

So if you are assured, why hope?  You don’t hope- you know.  I actually have come to think of hope as a step in that direction..  You just turn your hope a little bit to the left and say I hope I can join Albert in this question – or I hope that I can keep the faith – or I hope I can become more assured.  Once you engage in hope you begin to see the possibilities -the potentiality that might be invisible at the moment but lays dormant in the opportunity.

These last few weeks and the next few weeks will determine how it goes for us in the next administration.  Again, this blog is neither political nor do I want it to be.  But the bigger issue for me is not who comes next but what are we hoping for?  Is it peace – is it well- being – is it answers to problems? Whatever we hope for is putting the directional signal on where we will assuredly land.  It isn’t wishful thinking – its knowing that the better angels are out there (from a few weeks ago) and anything is possible if we go in the right direction and find a place of both hope and assurance -together.

And of course who will lead us there.

There is no way that we can get to peace by electing the right person or finding a lucky penny and tossing it in a wishing well.  We have to do the work of peace – each and everyone of us in our own lives and in our own circumstances.  We need to reach out to others to join us and help us -we need to be willing to listen and be open to changing our minds.

Its our way of contributing to the universe being a friendly place but friendly to all of us.

As you go through these next weeks, try listening – check your thinking and see where it is on target and where it might be interpretatively bias.  See what it takes to get to a place of tranquility and hope.   And then – do something – go there!