DESERVE OR NOT DESERVE-That is the question

 Many blessings and new adventures have come into my life in these summer months.  As we head to Labor Day, I have been thinking about how much of the time I wonder if I deserve such good fortune.   Although this might be just a passing thought, I wanted to give it a little more attention.

I grew up in a family with high values for the work ethic and earning your way in life -and they did not limit that to what you did in your job or career.  There was earning respect – or earning trust – or earning a good reputation.  Of course, that is the American way – or at least the way of the capitalistic west. And on first look, it makes perfect sense.

I have noticed though, that there is an equally viable and valuable but different way to look at it.  What about granting ourselves and others respect.  What about giving ourselves the trust that we are always doing the best we can at the level of thinking we are operating under.  How about knowing that people – deep in their hearts – are following something even they may not understand.

So I decided to try it out – I noticed a few times I questioned the good fortune and happiness I was feeling and asking myself if it was really warranted. Then other times, I felt myself relax and lean into the idea that all sentient beings are worthy of all those things and they don’t have to prove they are..

Those things are ours by birthright and even the most troubled or those that are the most trouble; deserve the love and respect of others for the simple reason that we are all in the same boat and what we want, they want.

As I applied this to phone calls I was making for my upcoming move, I added that feeling into every call.  Here is what happened:  everyone I called actually called back (a first) – everyone I called was helpful and cheerful.  Everyone I called treated me the same way I treated them.  The truth of this is as old as the golden rule – and it cancels out the notion that someone doesn’t deserve something.  Try it out – what do you deserve today?  Whatever it is, grant it to everyone you interact with.