This is the holiest week of the Jewish Year.  It began with the welcoming of the New Year and culminates today (Friday) and tomorrow as the day of atonement.  I have chosen to substitute forgiveness as I want this to include those who celebrate this holiday and those who do not.

The idea here is to come before the Presence of Life, known by many names, and to ask for forgiveness for anything we may have done to increase the feelings of separation with that Presence or with anything or anyone in Life.  It is a day set aside for soul searching and quiet – a day for reflection.

This is something anyone can do – and it is important to take stock of whether we are living and being who we are designed to be or if we are falling short and not asking for help.  Earlier this year, I wrote my book-All Roads Lead to Dog -it emphasizes the idea that wherever we are or wherever we look – Dog is present.  So, it matters not what you call it or what you believe – still Dog is right there. Today you can pause from your activities and just notice what you are being and make sure it is what you were designed to be…And what is that design- well it is of loving substance – of cheerful countenance -of generosity of spirit and I could go on.  If you see areas where that is not showing up, pause again and ask for assistance from the Big Dog to get back on track.

I mean no disrespect – dogs are a perfect example of the design and of the creator of the design – so take a moment and open your heart to forgiving yourself – forgiving others – and asking to do a better job in the coming year.

All sacred days in this tradition are from sunset to sunset.  As this day of forgiveness closes, and the sun is setting -picture the gates to the Presence beginning to close.  Trust your heart to tell you where you are and to know that Life is for you – and in so knowing, your name is written in the book of Life -for another year.  Know that these divine gates are open for you.

Or reach down and pet your favorite creature and give thanks for the emanation of Love personified in that moment.

To my many dear people of the book – Happy New Year and to my beloved – here’s to our year of our new Life together.