Real Magic
I am reading a book by the same name; authored by Dean Radon who is a director of science at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He is putting some metaphysical concepts of ancient wisdom to the test of science. He is finding that magic – once taken from the world of occult – to the world of testing and proof, is being found to be both real and applicable.
For instance, the idea that thoughts become things made more popular through the daily inspiration of Mike Dooley. Years ago, while studying the work of Dr. Stephen Covey, he similarly taught that when you begin with the end in mind; you create a thought pattern that aids in bringing your vision to life.
The semi-cult movie, The Secret- made the idea of like attracts like to be part of understanding the Law OfAttraction. This law came long before the popular version and goes way beyond creating the Ferrari of your dreams.
Real Magic takes the laws of physics and applies them to how we create our life as we know it, and how to consciously apply its rigor that foes beyond the more superficial aspects of manifestation.
There is an art to focus on the possibilities and to know they are endless- that when we argue for our limitations, we help to bring them into our experience. Part of this art for me, is not overcoming or forcing positive outcomes on top of negative events – where the hidden fears of the worst are lurking. That defeats the purpose and often has people doubting the efficacy of the Law. Its much closer to use our imagination to create and visualize the world we want to inhabit and keeping our attention on that; rather than trying to defeat the things we abhor by putting a happy face on it.
This week’s news has everyone going in circles; and magnifying fear of the worst possible scenarios for many Americans or for people living in America. Knowing we don’t have the power to change what is far about our paygrade; how do we counter the effects of uncertainty amplified in uncertain times?
Here is where Real Magic comes to the party – really knowing ourselves as powerful creators that utilize the tools given to us to dream and then imagine and build. We have to be able to believe before we can see.
For me, the starting point is not to force myself to wish or hope or cross my fingers and toes for a better day. For me, it begins with a knowing that every energetic use of my imagination will produce an outcome – even if that outcome is just a better state of mind in a troubled time.
Join me this week- in supporting what my man, Albert Einstein said…”Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.”
Whatever you can do or dream you can, Begin it – Begin it Now!