Creative juices
I awoke this morning with creative ideas on my mind. I saw a series of children’s books inspired by my dear new husband; entitled the Uncle Syd series. Uncle Syd and Mr. Wiggles (our beagle), Uncle Syd and the Bluejackets (our NHL hockey team) – you get the drift.
Where do inspired ideas come from and how do we best capture them? This has been written about by artists, wordsmiths and musicians to name a few.
First and foremost, they arrive on a train of excitement and lightheartedness. No effort to come up with something – no brainstorming or elaborate techniques.
Next, they come with a feeling of love – ie you would love doing them – love sharing them and love allowing them to come into fruition. No outcome drive – or income drive – just joy.
They include an organic pathway…in my case, I already have a publisher and access to an illustrator which is key for children’s books.
Perhaps most important to the process is the deep knowing that ideas and their completion come through us not from us. I use my clever and creative skills, but I didn’t invent them or place them in my own path. They were provided by the universal intelligence that informs all of life with creative juice.
We are on the cusp of Spring – nothing we did or do will make Spring happen – we just enjoy and allow. Allow may be the most challenging part…no force – just stepping out of the way.
Capturing ideas always includes writing or typing them down so that you don’t have to rely on memory. Sharing them only with supporters is best – especially if you are sensitive to the opinions of others. While they are incubating it is wise to keep one’s own counsel.
Exercise faith that if you had the idea – it has a purpose and is needed by some part of life. In other words, it isn’t just about you – it is serving something that Life is calling for.
Back in the Hallmark days I saw the creative juices flow on many occasions. When I would teach how things come through us not from us, the artists all resonated with that thought. They knew it wasn’t just about them – but about expression in its many forms.
This week – feel into your own creativity – it can show up in any situation or on any subject – and it is all for the highest good and we all need that right now!
Now just do it as they used to say at Nike and enjoy each step.