Good Good Vibrations
Thoughts and emotions carry energy and when measured show up as vibrations of lower to higher. Some breakthrough work that has recently been recompiled, shows how Dr. David Hawkins measured everything from apathy (low vibration of energy) to Peace (highest vibration of energy). He went on to create a body of work that demonstrated how you could see your own vibrational rate as different emotional states fluctuated in people. He also suggested that various famous or prominent people carried a vibrational rate that imprinted on others. Naturally people were curious about the vibrational rate of a Hitler as compared to that of a Buddha or Jesus Christ. The higher the vibrational rate – the greater the positive impact. Where we might think there was more energy in hate- it actually measured quite low on the scale.
We have all walked into a room after someone has had a “discussion” and felt the vibes of how that discussion turned out. Conversely we have been in a special or sacred places and felt the vibe of love or happiness. When Notre Dame was burning, I remembered my trip to Paris at the end of high school – as soon as I walked into the Cathedral I felt awe struck with something beyond the beauty and magnificence of the architecture. As I traveled, I also went to St. Francis chapel in Assisi (similar feelings) and Robben Island to Nelson Mandela’s cell- the vibe of pain and struggle- and of course to Germany to tour Dachau – a feeling I have never forgotten.
I can also think of people who always made or make me feel light and happy in their presence – and those I tend to avoid like the plague. This all occurs in an instant and before anyone can speak – so beyond the so-called circumstances. I am pretty sure if you watch the news you can get a distinct sense of what I am sharing.
The wonderful thing about Dr. Hawkins work and the truth of who we are – is that we can pay attention to our vibrational rate even without the technology to measure it – and even better we can shift our consciousness and the vibrational rate to a higher level. It takes only awareness and intention – and perhaps a pathway that works best for you…
In these past weeks, I have caught myself in a lower state – (step 1 awareness) …formed an intention (I will feel peace and hope in these times-Step 2) then focused on one of the precious faces of my terriers (step 3 pathway) and I will begin to feel instantly a shift and a rise in my energetic. Sometimes it’s a whispered prayer or a moment of mindfulness – other times its music that lifts my spirits..(for those of you who know some of my taste Bruce Springsteen has a new album coming out today…woohoo). It doesn’t really matter what you choose only THAT you choose and begin to notice the effects. The power to rise is greater than the lowest emotion on the scale including despair and depression.
It won’t take half the world’s population to shift energetically to peace or hope…it takes a core number to increase the energy – but Dr. Hawkins affirmed it was far less than critical mass. Its about the vibrational rate – not the number of people at that rate. It takes no special beliefs or elaborate practices…just awareness, intention and a mechanism…
For those who think I might have been eating some strange mushrooms – trust me – it works….and to get you started, take a listen to an old favorite.