The Heart as a Holo-gram

Ho-lo-gram-a three dimensional image created by directing two coherent light sources such as a lazer, a source beam and reference beam, through a two-dimensional image.

Heart Ho-lo-gramming- a practice in which an individual sincerely focuses/directs spirit and heart intelligence to the heart’s true intent- likened to a hologram – to actualize it.

I still remember seeing my first holographic image…no matter how many times you cut into the image – the whole image would still be there.  Our spiritual heart is like that – no matter how the events of life occur and no matter how we react to how they occur, the intelligence of the heart remains in tact and accessible at any time.   We can create our intent at any time, beyond circumstances – and effects, and beyond how things may appear.  There are many ways to speak of this and many examples to look towards – perhaps one of my favorites is the work of Erick Fromm who discovered in the midst of a Nazi concentration camp; the constant ability to love and to remain centered in the heart.  The work of his life was to teach that we are so much more than the events of our lives – no matter how dramatic.

Turning to and relying on the Heart intelligence – the intuitive knowing – the wisdom within, can be enhanced by starting at what Heartmath calls Point Zero.  It’s a term from the world of quantum science that refers to the “global field” of information available to all.  For me, Point Zero is simply focusing on a quiet place inside, that is before the fact of my noisy mind – a still point of focus on intent.  From there, we can do the following steps to bring our intent from the heart to our lives.

Step 1- Use the Ease technique shared last week to still the mental and emotional energy.  Feel love radiating from your heart as you breathe quietly in the stillness.  Don’t’ “try” (as Yoda said) …just be.

Step 2- Radiate love to any judgments you have about you, others or situations to help neutralize the energy and clear out roadblocks that hinder spirit.  (remember this is not about changing your mind about things, but about radiating love to those things)

Step 3- Stay focused on the stillness while consciously breathing love and peace into the environment.  Gently excuse any positive or negative thoughts that come up, knowing you can entertain them later.

Step 4- Imagine Point zero as a circle of peace in which you are sitting – as thoughts come up just keep breathing love and peace into the stillness.

Although this appears on the front end to be similar to other meditations – it really has a different feel and outcome – its all about accessing the intelligence of the heart that has proven to be 4 times greater than the intelligence of the mind.

Next week – we will do the hologramming part  – where you begin to ask a question or make a decision by accessing this intelligence while noting that everything remains whole and complete – nothing separates into parts – but maintains the entire picture.

Enjoy – this technique…we all need more love and peace in circulation.