Love On Every Breath

In my Twenties I was inspired by many global leaders…from the Kennedy legacy to Dr. King to Oprah- a diverse group to say the least.  I thought at the time that no greater motivation could infuse me than to change the world. And it did indeed seem the world needed changing…the journey did unfold to a realization that I can’t change the world – I can only change how I see the world and how I interact with the world, and in so doing, change myself.  I remember being somewhat disappointed at that news….to put it mildly.

In these last many months I have been searching for a way to work with my own troubled thoughts and to provide something to ease the stress and strain I see in many places.  To have an inclusive practice that both works with self and with others is the perfect combination of mutuality I was seeking.  Since I know that placing an intention to that effect would bring me the guided wisdom and process that would deliver my desire; I relaxed and it showed up.

Love on Every Breath is based on an ancient Buddhist practice known in those circles as Tonglen…which means taking and sending.  It begins with quiet awareness and what is called for in my own tradition, Peace Be Still.  The next step is to take refuge or sanctuary.  This means connecting with the energy of a spiritual person you regard as loving – from Quan Yin to Jesus to the Shekinah – someone who embodied love and compassion.  You visualize this Being pouring compassion into your heart and comforting the troubled state of mind.  You then face yourself in your imagination and all the pain or sadness or anger (or whatever you’ve got) comes forth as black smoke..and you breath it in and it touches the pure love state of your heart and is breathed out as white light.  This circular vision is one of transforming the dark into the light…you do this until you see your True Self…both innocent in trying so hard to make things different than they are; and the witness to Love on Every Breath.

You then move to others…they can be the close in others of friends and family experiencing pain, loss or fear, and they can be the greater others…the community, the State, the Country or the World.  You take in the suffering only to bring it to light…knowing that the Love is the great antidote – the great healing energy of all conflict and disorder.  I have written of Love before – I wrote about it so often a friend gave me a pillow with the word Love stitched into the fabric.  And although it might seem trite or even a tad pollyannish – trust me it works like nothing else.  Fixing, helping, changing, – without the substance of Love is wasted effort and provides no lasting change.

It takes practice in this world of noise and fear – anger and violence.  There are many practices available if this one doesn’t seem quite right…but I encourage you to give it a try.

For a deeper take on how to do it, I recommend the book Love on Every Breath by Lama Palden Drolma.  Sending you both Love and Breathing.