The world of infinite possibilities

We started our new year here in the northern part of the Sierra Mountain’s under the siege of heavy snow.  It was probably the biggest storm we have seen in our 16+ years here.  It brought with it a number of challenges of moving snow, cleaning off the roof, a shattered window and three short terriers who need places to go outside.  I spent way too many moments in a sense of panic about what to do first and how to do it..the possibilities began to line up as a very short list.  Start shoveling…worry…more shoveling…worry…A few close friends reached out with some ideas and assistance and some surprising things began to show up.  I have long been known to say finding a handy person’s service here is virtually impossible and suddenly I had three names.  The roof shoveler appeared as a volunteer and someone I never would have considered.  A gift from a very close and generous friend supplied some needed assistance on the entire burden as snow kept falling for 5 days.

After having some time to step back and breathe, I noticed something I have known for years but was not applying.  It is that focusing on what to do automatically appears with limits on the how.  The stressful mind has very limited abilities to come up with alternatives and tends to circle the same solutions again and again.  When we open to the truth which is, that knowing how isn’t necessary…that the way through is to Trust and to know that there are infinite possibilities for any given situation, it appears that miracles happen.

When I say I have known this truth – I mean to say I have experienced it as well.  Many years ago, I decided it was time for me to buy some property and stop renting.  I was living in the Bay Area and even then, the cost of things was a bit daunting, and I did not have the necessary down payment to get started.  I did articulate my desire with clarity and then I let go of the whole thing from the obsessive mind of problem solving.  I have written of the story before – so I won’t repeat it here but to cut to the chase, I won a significant amount of money from the California State Lottery, and I had never bought a single lottery ticket before.  If you had asked me the possibilities for my desire of buying a home, I would have listed…borrowing money from someone, moving out of the area to a more affordable location…you get it…the lottery option would never have been on the list.  But being that I had released it from my constant thought – I was opening a door to all the ways that such a desire could be fulfilled.

The absolute truth is we never know how something is going to happen…what we do know is that there is a way through no way.  If you page through your experience, you will find many instances of that glad surprise…and hear the voice in your head say “Wow I never thought of that”.

As we begin a new year it seems critical to let go of the way we have traveled through the last two years and open the door to the infinite possibilities for all.  Remember it is not in the knowing alone that will get us there…it is applying it that makes for transformation.  Let’s do it together.