Meditation of the Heart
My meditation journey began in the late 80’s. I was following the mind body connection through the teachings of Deepak Chopra and his recommendation was Transcendental Meditation. I figured if it was good enough for the Beatles, (George Harrison) it was good enough for me. It was a highly stressful period of my life – I had returned from a 2 year assignment in New York City and I felt all the pressure of my job and my life. For the first many months of my practice, I fell asleep nearly every time – my body mind was so exhausted. I was diligent with my 20 minutes twice daily…whether I was traveling or at home – I never missed a session. I did begin to feel better – sleep better and was far less frantic.
After probably more than 10 years, I began to dabble. Mindfulness was coming into its own so I went that route for a time. Then I realized there was a contemplative meditation that was lovely and I started going on retreats in quiet places, including a monastery in Idaho. They were all beneficial but none seemed to click the way TM had for me.
Then I was introduced to Lovingkindness Meditation through the work of Sharon Salzberg. I knew as soon as I began reading her book, that it was the one for me…I took a few classes and read a few more books and began the practice with commitment. It was the beginning of my focus on the heart. I could feel my open and swell every time I sat down and often tears would flow when I realized how little compassion I had for myself – much less the world. I was committed to changing the world, but it never occurred to me to keep my heart open and love the world as it was appearing. I teach it now as well to reinforce what is needed in this time of change.
During this same period, I started my Heart Coherence journey and the beginning of Heart Paths formed. It has carried me through many challenges in work and in life. None greater than the challenge of this last 5 months. Sunday, September 17 will be the memorial service for my darling Bill. In preparation, I have been utilizing this meditation once again as it is my heart that aches and it is my heart that wants to expand and include everyone and everything in its embrace.
The instruction is to say these words first to yourself, then to those you love and those who have helped you, then to anyone you find difficult and finally to all sentient beings. From fish and birds to oceans and stars- we wish all the greatest Peace beyond understanding.
The phrases I am most inspired by follow and then a word from Bruce – a song for Bill and for me and for all of you.
May I be at Peace; May my heart remain open
May I awaken to the light of my true nature
May I be healed; May I help others to heal.