The Heart of The Matter

So often we get lost in the weeds of life and forget what is truly important.  This has been one of those weeks for me…lots going on in the busyness of life and lots going on in the relationships of life.

Its been up and down and my mood and thoughts seemed to have been up and down as well.  As I sorted and sifted, I realized I needed to return to the Heart of the Matter…that may sound simple, but it was not so easy to discern.

Was it difficult people or was it too much to do…was it irritating road work (hello California) or overwhelm of decisions – some of them life altering.

As you might imagine, it was going to boil down to either extending Love or a cry for Love.  In each and every moment, one or the other is always going on…and we are usually missing the moments when we could give more, hug more, smile more, laugh more and love more.

What can get in the way of such sublime joy and connection – is some kind of misunderstanding or communication snafu or a long held grudge over mistakes or slights of heart.  All those appeared in their disguise of real problems…which they are not.

What does it boil down to – well there is always a need for forgiveness….first and foremost forgiving ourselves, then there is forgiving the other -knowing we all do the best we can at the level of consciousness we are in….

It is pretty simple…when you get down to the heart of the matter – your will gets weak …but we can override our crazy thinking and go for Love and forgiveness in each and every instant.

The music this week is sort of a love song and sort of ultimate truth..its about forgiveness and this video of Mr. Don Henley is definite eye candy for the ladies-and the truth is in the lyrics.

Forgive away and go for the heart of the matter.