The words of Ghandi came to me as I looked at the calendar and realized we were once again remembering 9/11.  The rest of the quote is “you want to see in the world.”  I even have that quote engraved on a piece of jewelry to remind me that it all begins with me.  

In a conversation with friends this week, I asked how many of them wake up in the morning and ask themselves how can I be a better person today than I was yesterday?  In years of clinical practice, I rarely got takers for that question.  And yet Ghandi is implying that we need to do that if we want to see the world become someplace, we all want to live.

For those of you on my email list, you know I have a butterfly on my signature section.  I took the butterfly as my personal symbol many years ago because it represents transformation.  The lowly caterpillar does not know what lies ahead.  One day she is crawling along enjoying her gentle place in life; when the sudden imperative for change begins to infuse her tiny self.  From there a chrysalis forms around her and she goes into the murky place that at first, looks like death.  Its all unknown and all she has is trust that something is happening that will bring about possibilities and new Life.  After completion of that journey, she emerges and flies. This is one of the miracles of nature that has a lot to teach us about change.

We are in that cosmic chrysalis where we don’t know what is next, but we do know it’s time to fly.  Take some time this week to look for where change is up for you and see if you can move from change to transformation to transcendence and notice how the world responds.  I am wagering you see change in the inner first and then low and behold the outer is all new.  Here’s to that