Hold The Space

I have been in conversations this week that contained a lot of emotion regarding the direction of the world at large and in specific the direction our country appears to be heading. There is fear, worry, anger to name a few of the emotions rising in awareness.

Dr. Wayne Dyer spoke some years ago about the importance of focusing on what we do want; rather than what we don’t want. Since energy can neither be created nor destroyed; the energy we use to catastrophize can further that outcome and bring about the very results we are trying to avoid.

So what is there to do in times where the appearance of things seems frightening and we can’t see the forest for the trees. I call it Holding the Space which is to say – focus on what we want. I believe everyone wants peace in their lives and in their hearts- I believe everyone wants to have a safe dwelling place- and wants to contribute to life in the best way possible. I believe everyone wants good relationships and has compassion available when relationships are not so good. And I believe that the things we want for ourselves we also want for others.  Ok that is me – but I can hear those desires in the conversations I have been in and the longing is palpable.

So what to do – well hold the space for what you want. Give focus to the longings for peaceful times – see that big blue ball as encompassing the whole world in a loving embrace…and don’t give up – no matter what.

This too shall pass has been an important thought since Eleanor Roosevelt spoke it and we need it more than ever.

So this week please focus on what you want to see – hold the vision and don’t let go.