Spring is beginning in the Sierra Mountains, where I live, and commensurate with that is a new blog series on the secret to understanding our experience. In this series I am going to share practical and profound results from this understanding, in the hopes that seeing it in life helps to remove the “mystery” of it all and bring it home in a new way. If you are in the California, Nevada area or beyond, I strongly encourage you to come to our special event in Lake Tahoe in late September. https://www.theverticaldimension.com/home/the-power-of-thought/ where you will be able to hear treasured speakers talk about the principles and the ease and peace they bring to people in all walks of life, all over the world.

To begin, my husband is a nature lover and when we met, my idea of camping was to go to a resort and have spa treatments. His idea was campfires, out door toilets and no spa treatments. Needless to say, if I hadn’t been in love, I would never have tried it…but romance makes us do crazy things we never would have tried. So sure, enough I started going on hiking adventures, camping and in general outdoorsy stuff. Bill loves birds and had been a birder for some years – so he started to share with me how to watch and listen and identify these amazing creatures. I started to fall in love with beauty I had never noticed and hear sounds I swore I never heard.

This morning, I was listening to a red finch break into its spring song and I was reminded how awareness and consciousness works. When your consciousness is not aware of things, they are not real to you. I would say that there were no birds singing, but the truth is I didn’t notice and if we don’t notice it is not real for us. Once our thoughts and awareness come together – suddenly we see or hear a new world. I am thankful to Bill for pointing this out and for the gift of the Principles, so I could enjoy the birdies this and every spring since that time. Notice something new this week and see what new experiences come your way.