It’s a Wonderful Life – New Years Day 2021
RENAISSANCE 2021 I am not sure I have ever seen people so happy to see a year end, as most folks I know are to see 2020 end. Never being much for resolutions or for New Years’ Eve partying -this could have been a week that passed much as the last several… but a good...
It’s a Wonderful life – Christmas Day 2020
May the Light of the Aligned Planets bring on a new era of compassion, love and understanding. Happy Holidays – Peace and Blessings, And a new Blog series beginning on January 1,2021
It’s a Wonderful Life – December 18, 2020
It Is A Wonderful Life It’s been nearly a year since I started this Blog with the same name as my favorite Christmas movie. I have watched it so many times, that I can nearly quote all the dialogue. I chose that title for my Blog because we were entering a time last...
It’s a Wonderful Life – December 11, 2020
Joy to the World You have probably noticed that there isn’t much laughing going on these days…much less giggling and silliness. Normally this time of year we see Grinch movies or other animated movies hitting the screens with a little Seasonal silliness in their...
It’s a Wonderful Life – December 4, 2020
The Wonder of Light Somewhat begrudgingly my husband finished hanging the holiday lights on our home and blue spruce tree. After all the grumbling and stumbling, we turned them on with our handy dandy remote. (gotta love technology) We both sighed and were awestruck...
It’s a Wonderful Life – November 27, 2020
Healing Conflict From Within “The world is not in need of a new philosophy, or a new set of beliefs, or a new religion-the world needs regeneration and healing.” Joel Goldsmith The news continues to inundate us with the conflicts that appear to be everywhere. ...
It’s a Wonderful Life – November 20, 2020
The Feeling of Gratefulness Sometime ago I wrote a series of blogs on gratitude. I got a few comments along the lines of feeling that gratitude has become trite or without sincerity or meaning. I get that – some of us mature folks grew up with the absolute necessity...
It’s a Wonderful Life – November 13, 2020
The Essential and the Eternal I don’t think we have ever heard the word essential as often as we have in the past months. Essential workers, essential businesses, essential items….the importance of health care workers and janitors has never been more in focus and of...
It’s a Wonderful Life – November 6, 2020
The call to connect Fortunately we live in a time of great technology. These past months have brought us the power and the method of communicating around the world – seeing each other through mediums like Zoom and being able to attend classes, events, and even...
It’s a Wonderful Life – October 30, 2020
The Time Has Come… The upcoming week is one that will have great historical significance, regardless of the outcome. I frequently am careful how I write these blogs – thinking about everyone’s personal ideas and beliefs, and never wanting to presume, assume, or...
It’s a Wonderful Life – October 23, 2020
Good Good Vibrations Thoughts and emotions carry energy and when measured show up as vibrations of lower to higher. Some breakthrough work that has recently been recompiled, shows how Dr. David Hawkins measured everything from apathy (low vibration of energy) to...
It’s a Wonderful Life – October 16, 2020
Simple Miracles In Northern California we are finally having fall…the mornings have a light chill, my trees out front are in full color, and the light is golden. After our horrendous fire season, and the chaos of world events, these simple things seem like a...