It’s a Wonderful Life – October 9, 2020
The Tone Meister Creating the environment for insights to happen is easier than it might seem. We are built to see things in a new way every day – to look with new eyes at situations and people and find something precious and new. One day you look at your house and...
It’s a Wonderful Life – October 2, 2020
Inside Out and Insight Out As we begin to realize our true nature, the natural occurrence is an insight. An insight is different than learning something about yourself or hearing something about your self – its something that spontaneously occurs and carries with it...
It’s a Wonderful Life – Sept 25, 2020
True Nature -Unlimited Potential I met Syd Banks in the late 80’s- the story of how this man came into my life is a miraculous one in its own right – but not the focus of this blog. Syd was an ordinary man – he did not go on a spiritual journey (totally anti-religion)...
It’s a Wonderful Life – Sept 18, 2020
Who Are We Really? Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress and, giving birth to evolution. Albert Einstein The next few blogs are going to be dedicated to deepening our...
It’s a Wonderful Life – Sept 11, 2020
This week it occurred to me that I was feeling a sense of loss, and fatigue – as the California wildfires blaze and I see and hear of the devastation in all of the Northwest as well as all the other news that isn’t fit to print – I felt the need to bring some focus –...
It’s a Wonderful Life – Sept 4, 2020
The Pillars of Joy A few years ago Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama wrote a book together – The book of Joy- lasting happiness in a changing world. Little did they know how much it was going to change. Or maybe they did. I have met both these amazing Spiritual Leaders....
It’s a Wonderful Life – August 28, 2020
Five Impossible Dreams Before Breakfast Five Impossible Dreams Before Breakfast is a take -off on the conversation between the Queen and Alice (yes the Alice as in Wonderland). I was recently challenged to do this by one of my teachers and it should be no surprise...
It’s a Wonderful Life – August 21, 2020
Give-Give-Give “ There are people waiting for someone just like us to come along…Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.” Leo Buscaglia You can’t make a giraffe sing an aria. You can’t teach a goat to do the...
It’s a Wonderful Life – August 14, 2020
THE PROMISE AND THE PREMISE The key ingredient in a recipe for peace and equanimity is spiritual practice. And in crazy times like ours, we need prayer, meditation, mindfulness, and other practices more than ever. They are not luxury items like a vacation; they are...
It’s a Wonderful Life – August 7, 2020
What’s your frequency? All of us have two main frequencies. The first, driven by the amygdala, kicks in when we watch a disturbing news story. It sends out a frequency of Wow! It’s a dog-eat dog world out there. I’d better protect myself. Better shut down. The other...
It’s a Wonderful Life – July 31, 2020
THE BIG I - Intention and Attention “When attention and intention conjoin, a powerful vortex of awareness is generated that keeps us mindful and in the “now” moment. Michael Bernard Beckwith Years ago I learned the power of intention. After reading several books by...
It’s a Wonderful Life – July 24, 2020
THE BIG “F” The Big F in this week’s blog is Forgiveness. And to be more specific, self-forgiveness. Forgiveness is a term that often means different things to different people. It can mean overlooking and then just keep going. It can mean letting go of an action...