It’s a Wonderful Life – July 14, 2023
You Never Know- There is a story that I believe originated with Wayne Dyer – he knew of a woman whose life was changed by the study of meditation and she wanted to write a booklet to share with others to inspire them to meditate. She self-published the booklet and...
It’s a Wonderful Life – July 7, 2023
All Roads Lead to Love While many of you were planning fireworks displays or wondering how to eat all the hot dogs you could; I was reuniting with a cousin I had not seen in over 30 years. Jimmy and I spent the first few years of our lives in each other’s company –...
It’s a Wonderful Life – June 30, 2023
Saved By a Song- There is no debate around the idea that music can lift our spirits; motivate us to action, soothe a broken heart, inspire an epiphany and on and on. You can play music, write music, or listen to music or all three, and the associated vibration can be...
It’s a Wonderful Life – June 23, 2023
Behold all things are new I promised last week that I would continue the miraculous possibilities that flow from gratitude. For those of you familiar with the coaching world, you know there is a technique frequently used, called reframing. It basically means that...
It’s a Wonderful Life – June 16, 2023
Rescued by Gratitude- Gratitude as a topic has almost become a trend. There are books, journals, classes, meditations research and more about gratitude and the practice of gratitude. I myself wrote a series on Gratitude for weeks on end. To the best of my knowledge,...
It’s a Wonderful Life – June 9, 2023
Square All with Love- This Phrase is attributed to Lester Levenson, the founder of The Sedona Method. Many years ago, Lester was given a few weeks to live. He decided to use the time he had left to discover who he was and what life was really all about. One of the...
It’s a Wonderful Life – June 2, 2023
Listening From the Heart One of the greatest causes of stress and energy drains is ineffective and inefficient communication. If you watched the news at all this week, you witnessed that going on constantly. Many times it was clear there was no listening going...
It’s a Wonderful Life – May 26, 2023
All Manner of Things Shall Be Well When I was in Seminary, I wrote a paper on Julian of Norwich. I chose her because the word Norwich was in her title and I had a beautiful female Norwich Terrier at that point and I felt they were related. (such lofty...
It’s a Wonderful Life – May 19, 2023
BIG LOVE- Someone I hold dear coined the phrase for me of BIG LOVE- (Hey Carlton…shout out to you). I don’t know what exactly he meant but to me it means a love that makes me better and bigger than I ever thought of being; a love that is eternal in nature and is ever...
It’s a Wonderful Life – May 12, 2023
The Art of Thoughtfulness- My mother could have written the book on manners – It seemed the lessons from “ please and thank you” to writing notes of appreciation were what I spent many an hour doing, with her standing behind me to make sure I did it…she taught me how...
It’s a Wonderful Life – May 5, 2023
No greater Love- I have written about Love a great deal in the few years this blog has been in existence. It is and always has been the greatest power we could ever hope to experience. We often do not realize that until something occurs to remind us of Love’s...
It’s a Wonderful Life – April 28, 2023
Handsome and a Hero Women of my mother’s generation had a feeling for this man…it was called a crush. I can remember my mother listening to the song at the end of this blog, and dancing as if Harry was in the room. I think she said something like “no man should be...