The Four Deadly C’s I recently had the pleasure of hearing a talk given by Dr. Sue Morter, founder of the Morter Institute and Bio-Energetics. She is someone to look up as well as read her book on the Energy Codes. In this talk, she described what I am now calling...
Heart of Hearts Many Spiritual traditions speak of the layers, levels or dimensions of the heart. There is a depth that can only be plumbed with practice. The techniques and practices that we can employ not only bring coherence to the entire system – they also bring...
Every Day In Every Way I am- I have mentioned in other blogs, that my father was my first teacher on the power of thought. When I was in middle school or junior high as they called it then, he started doing something new. He would begin every day robustly reciting...
Heart Path of Receiving Frequently when we think of heart centering and heart opening – we think of giving. At least for me, when my heart is moved by a story, or by music or by beauty – I naturally want to give or share what has moved me…(see music below). ...
Heart Over Matter- My Father was my first teacher on the power of Thought. In any circumstance where I was struggling, he would relentlessly repeat “Mind Over Matter”. Even when I had the flu and was quite ill, he would stand outside the bathroom door with his...
Heart Paths – For those that follow the changes in the world of phenomena, you may have noticed the beginnings of a large shift. To simplify it, I would say that it is a shift from focus on the mind to focus on the heart….physically that is about 18” – ....