by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Aug 19, 2022 | Blog
Be The Change This familiar quote can be seen from a deep perspective or just a cliché. I had this inscribed on a ring to remind me that Being is more critical than doing. Growing up in the “we can change the world” generation; it seemed to me for years to be about...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Aug 12, 2022 | Blog
Rise Above This has been a week of household craziness – from plumbing issues to car problems, it seemed like every time I turned around, I was in the weeds of solving problems and carrying some anxiety along with it. Then my friends started sharing their challenges...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Aug 5, 2022 | Blog
Seeing the Big Picture The phrases around seeing the bigger picture can often refer to looking beyond the issue to the larger context. I have frequently referred to it as looking from 30,000 feet as opposed to ground level; or being in the balcony instead of on the...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 29, 2022 | Blog
Bridge Over Troubled Water I was recently reminded of the classic song that the title of this blog is named for. A song of a generation – and artists of a generation that formed my awareness in so many ways. I find it so interesting that the messages I clung to in...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog
The Business of Isness If I had a dollar for every time, I heard someone say “it is what it is” – I could definitely retire on a beach in Hawaii and sip funny coconut drinks all day. There is truth in that phrase and at times it comes with a kind of tone of...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 15, 2022 | Blog
Inspiration (you’ve got it) I have been a fan of inspiration nearly all my life. Every time I see extraordinary talent, hear beautiful music, listen to an inspiring speech or read something astounding, I am in a great mood for long periods of time; I find myself...