by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jan 21, 2022 | Blog
Living in Transition This unprecedented time has felt a lot like the above photo…dominoes falling one after the other in a cascading feeling of disorientation and loss. As I have looked closely at my own perceptions of this historic time, I have noticed that I am...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jan 14, 2022 | Blog
Don’t Make Assumptions Don’t Make Assumptions became popularized in the book The Four Agreements – written by Don Miguel Ruiz. At first blush, this seems easy enough-but check -how many times per day do you assume the outcome of something; or feel sure that you know...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jan 7, 2022 | Blog
The world of infinite possibilities We started our new year here in the northern part of the Sierra Mountain’s under the siege of heavy snow. It was probably the biggest storm we have seen in our 16+ years here. It brought with it a number of challenges of moving...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Dec 31, 2021 | Blog
Forgive Everyone, Everything. Ever notice how your pets don’t need much to forgive …you can leave them at home or yell at them for messing up and within a short amount of time they come around with a kiss or climb in your lap or be willing to go out and play. I have...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Dec 24, 2021 | Blog
Inspiration Everywhere From love the world is born, by love it is sustained, towards love it moves, and into love it enters.” Rabindranath Tagore No matter how things look at first glance, there really is inspiration all around. The above photo looks a lot like our...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Dec 17, 2021 | Blog
One Power This is the time of year that brings out ceremony or acrimony….for those who celebrate the sacred – it is of course, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza- and the rituals and festivities of each one. For those who are closer to the Bah Humbug experience, it can bring...