by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Aug 6, 2021 | Blog
Brighten Your Day (and someone else’s) I decided enough with the writing…pictures are worth 1,000 words and videos are even better. This brighten your day video was sent to Bill and I courtesy of our good friend, Evelyn and if this doesn’t bring a smile or a giggle I...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 30, 2021 | Blog
Laughter – the best medicine Many years ago Norman Cousins wrote a healing book about his journey to curing a terminal illness. He decided to fill his days with joy and so he watched old Laurel and Hardy movies along with The Three Stooges and other comedic teams. ...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 23, 2021 | Blog
Give Unconditional Love – to Yourself There has never been a great teaching on unconditional Love beyond spiritual texts both ancient and modern. From an early age, we learn to please or earn approval or to chase love through others, accomplishments or rewards. ...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 16, 2021 | Blog
Mirror Mirror….. Continuing our conversation on self-care….self-love and self-nurturing…this being our inner self..the place from which all things in our lives begin. Louise Hay was a woman ahead of her time – she wrote a book many years ago entitled You can Heal Your...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 9, 2021 | Blog
Self-Care -Who Knew? July is dedicated to self- care; the deeper kind. With the changes in mobility, we can go to the spa, have a mani-pedi and have a cool summer mojito. And I am not saying that is a bad idea…as the heat once again rises this week in my area, the...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jul 2, 2021 | Blog
True Freedom July Fourth is frequently a time of fun and frolic…backyard barbecues, camping trips, parades, hot dogs and yes fireworks. I know for me it has been all those things and more. This year my attention has been drawn to the frenzy that is appearing as...