It’s a Wonderful Life – February 19, 2021

It’s a Wonderful Life – February 19, 2021

Renaissance of Love I am wrapping up the series on “you are the renaissance” – and of course no innovation or celebration or new creation or transformation can occur without a birthing and deepening of love.  It may have been trivialized in the media of music…Love is...
It’s a Wonderful Life – February 5, 2021

It’s a Wonderful Life – February 5, 2021

Dynamic Appreciation Much has been written these last years on the power of gratitude.  From gratitude journals to meditations – from Oprah to The Dalai Lama to Dr. Sanjay Gupta – the health benefits, the emotional benefits and the spiritual benefits have been listed...
It’s a Wonderful Life – January 29, 2021

It’s a Wonderful Life – January 29, 2021

Keep Open Your Heart Right where you are do this little exercise….throw your arms up and out to your sides as far as you can go as if you were hugging the universe.  Now notice how open that area feels- you can do this any time you feel contracted or closed from...
It’s a Wonderful Life – January 22, 2021

It’s a Wonderful Life – January 22, 2021

The Creative Genius that is You The flurry of painters that appeared during the Renaissance includes Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Raphael…to name a few.  It was as if floodgates of the ocean of creativity were opened and out came the Sistine Chapel, and David...
It’s a Wonderful Life – January 15, 2021

It’s a Wonderful Life – January 15, 2021

Trust Life Little did I know when I received the idea about the elements of a Renaissance – that Trust would land on such a week as this has been -Trust what and Trust whom-when everywhere we look there appears to be things and people who are far from trustworthy.  At...