by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Feb 8, 2020 | Blog
Impossible to Possible – with ease and grace “Even the seemingly impossible is entirely possible when you are completely released on it” Lester Levenson Caryn Johnson always knew she wanted to be an actor. In fact, she says her first coherent thought as a young child...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Feb 2, 2020 | Blog
No this is not a movie review…it’s the beginning of a Blog series designed to lift us all up – to provide an alternative to bad or fake news…to remind all of us that as Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life – one as if nothing is a miracle – the...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jun 30, 2019 | Blog
LIFE ISN’T PERSONAL If you have been following along and using the Sedona Method to let go of unwanted feelings and their thought ancestors- you might have noticed a space for Wisdom, original thought or an AHA to present itself. The value of this practice is you...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jun 24, 2019 | Blog
The Power That Is The Way I hope you are all trying the Sedona Method and seeing that at any moment, over any feeling, we can let go and see our true selves appear. The true self that is happiness, joy and love beyond all circumstances. In a previous Blog series, I...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jun 11, 2019 | Blog
Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace I hope those of you who read the post from last week are working with the Sedona Method releasing technique and finding it to be easing the stress of difficult and negative feelings. I probably could have mentioned that this is...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jun 6, 2019 | Blog
Square it all with Love This phrase was coined by Lester Levenson, the inspiration and founder of the Sedona Method. It simply points to whatever feeling anyone is ever having can be changed into Love in a moment. The circumstances, people, places or things do not...