by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jun 14, 2018 | Blog
Thoughts of Fear almost always come from a sense of wanting to control. Including wanting to control the thoughts themselves. Any sense of “wanting” points to lack…otherwise we wouldn’t be wanting. When we let go of wanting – and simply allow what is happening in the...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | Jun 8, 2018 | Blog
Because I live in snow country, winter travel can be a challenge. Recently my husband went for the last ski of the season and had to travel through a rather gnarly storm to get to the ski resort. We agreed he would call me when he got there just to let me know he had...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | May 31, 2018 | Blog
In the beginning of this work and its spread throughout mental health arenas, we referred to this as innate health. When I found this understanding, I had completed three years of intense therapy and was still not very happy. I was sure the events of my life. (widow...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | May 26, 2018 | Blog
The greatest benefit of this realization has taken two shapes for me. They are close but still have a nuance. First, I realize I am not the victim of my thoughts, because they are thoughts – and therefore only mental energy moving around as opposed to “real enemies”...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | May 20, 2018 | Blog
I was talking with a client recently and shared this example of how we can begin to shift our understanding from considering the outside world or events happening as the cause of our feelings to the inside where it all happens so very fast. The example was – having a...
by Debora McDermed, Ph.D. | May 11, 2018 | Blog
To follow on to last week, here is how consciousness works – again in simple terms. Its definition begins with the “special effects” department of our experience-meaning it brings our thoughts to life and makes them appear real. It is a neutral power...