Life is like a Ladder A ladder is a good metaphor for Life. Every experience, relationship, thought etc brings us either higher on the rungs or back to the starting point. Consciousness allows us to rise when we carry the vibration of joy or harmony or gratitude. ...
What’s Your Dream The classic film Pretty Woman ends with a gentleman shouting out the above question…what’s your dream? Ponder that for a moment. This is a week of extremes for me…my birthday….my book release and the one-year anniversary of my beloved husband’s...
TRIBUTE TO LOVE For those who have spent any time in the San Francisco Bay Area, the name of Cecil Williams is well known. At 94 years of age, Cecil made his transition this week after a life well lived. He provided San Francisco with many challenges over the years...
Friendship-The Juice of Life Friendship is both a deep topic and a wide topic. It couldn’t possibly be defined and described in one blog…probably needs an entire book. I am going to try and provide at least a teaser on this juice of life because I feel like it is...
All Roads Lead to Dog I have been mentioning for a bit that I have a book coming out in the next few weeks. Its title is the same as this blog. In a way, it’s a play on words..I will let you decide what the play is. The photo that accompanies this blog is a Norwich...
One Problem-One Solution Recently listening to one of my favorite teachers, I discovered something that I surely should have known, but somehow missed. He was offering the idea that all of the personal problems we might face as well as the world problems in our face-...